
You can submit complaints to If you want to remain anonymous, you can send them in via Compliments & Critique.

Organic products (fruit and vegetables)

Products from ecological and organic sources are used where possible and financially viable in the Heidelberg student union.


You can find comprehensive information about our CampusCard in the ServiceCenters.

Meat products from ecological and animal-friendly sources

Ecological issues in general have a large influence on decisions made in the Heidelberg student union. Meat products from ecological and animal-friendly sources are used where possible and financially viable.

Lost property

Lost property and valuables found in all of Studierendenwerk Heidelberg's facilities in the city of Heidelberg, is immediately brought to the city's Lost and Found office.

Student IDs are immediately sent to the secretariat of the respective university.

Lost CampusCards (with color strings, for example yellow, red, blue etc.) are brought to and kept at the ServiceCenter in the old city (Altstadt) or at the InfoCafé International in Neuenheimer Feld.

Wertsachen wie Geldbörsen, Kredit- und EC-Karten etc. können unter folgender E-Mail-Adresse angefragt werden:

Studierendenausweise werden umgehend an das jeweilige Studierendensekretariat geschickt.

Verlorene CampusCards (mit farbigen Streifen, z. B. gelb, rot, blau etc.) werden im ServiceCenter in der Altstadt oder InfoCafé International in Neuenheimer Feld aufbewahrt.

GM food?

No! We consciously use no 'GM food' in our canteens and cafeterias as we are skeptical of 'green' GM technologiy and do not think the current state of research is adequate.

Information about university catering

The university catering department will be happy to answers questions at  Our employees on-site are also happy to help you.
You can send in your opinion about our offer through Compliments & Critique.


Placing and distributing information in student union catering facilities is strictly subject to approval. Distributing commercial adverts is expressly forbidden. Please send applications for approval to put up or distribute information to

Opening times

The Opening times at our canteens and cafés are geared towards the needs of students, as well towards the requirements of individual university locations.


Posters may only be put up in Heidelberg student union buildings after explicit approval from the student union.
Please hand in your posters to Marstallhof 1, 69117 Heidelberg (room 001). For more information, please contact

Vegan offer

We offer at least one vegan main meal daily in the Triplex canteen, central canteen and zeughaus canteen. You can look forward to a vegan salad buffet at the zeughaus canteen.

Vegetarian offer

Yes! We offer at least one vegetarian meal daily in all of our canteens. You can even put together a vegetarian meal at one of our buffet counters, which serve a varied range of vegetables and meat-free ingredients. You can find more information in our menus.

Event rooms

Heidelberg student union provides support for cultural events. Venues for student events can be arranged against compensation for use, refunded expenses and a deposit.
Please send requests for event rooms to
Request form for event rooms in the student union


Payment method

With the exclusion of the zeughaus-canteen (zeughaus-Mensa), you can only pay using CampusCard in the canteens. In all other buildings you can pay with cash.
Important! Paying with CampusCard for students means you always get the best deals: if you pay with cash then the higher guest price will be charged automatically. This is why students should only pay using their CampusCard in all student union buildings. The CampusCard has even more benefits, since paying is quick and helps to reduce the waiting time in canteens. It also helps to simplify handling accounting and booking, meaning it's more economical for the Heidelberg student union.

N. N.
University gastronomy
Marstallhof 1, 69117 Heidelberg